Over the past few years the topic of the environment has been covered extensively in the news, TV programmes and social media. In particular, the use of plastic consumption is regularly highlighted and something that we have all become concerned about. As such, the world has started to make changes to the lifestyle and behaviours of the individual consumer. But what about specific industries? What are they doing? Have you ever thought about the impact that events are having on the planet?
Events are becoming ever more popular and this increase has led to growing issues about them being grossly unsustainable and excessively consumptive. Images in the press in recent years have highlighted the shocking sea of litter often left by audiences at events. Unfortunately, a throw-away consumer culture has developed, with roughly 50% of plastic being disposed of after a single-use.
This is becoming a more prominent issue, with businesses wanting to do more about it and events are a good place to start, with a big audience to target and educate. And here at AL we are asked to plan more and more events with this theme in mind. You might ask where to start, but just think of every aspect of an event and think of a way that the environmental theme can be incorporated. Recently one of our clients, Woking Shopping, launched an eco-themed Christmas! They hosted eco lantern workshops, ice sculpting to educate shoppers about the effects of global warming and a Santa handing out wooden eco decorations to name a few.
It is predicted that by 2050, the oceans will contain more plastic (by weight) than fish. So, what are you going to do about it?