Broad Street Beats

Broad Street Mall, Reading

Digital & Social Media


In line with Reading Festival this year, we wanted to create an immersive and engaging month-long campaign at Broad Street Mall. The focus was creating a concept that could shine a spotlight on the centre’s amazing retailers, as well and highlighting the power of music on positive mental health, bringing the community together live and online.


We worked closely with the retailers to create bespoke album covers of each retailer team that would sit alongside a selection of songs relevant to each retailer and appear on our custom Spotify playlist. To create a further immersive experience in the centre, we partnered with The Rhoom Studios to host and run two 2 music showcases in the middle for the centre, helping to give local talent a further platform and educate about the power of music on positive mental health. We partnered with mental health charity Every Little Thing Festival to further push the positive mental health message, as well as Jelly Reading to run free festival-themed workshops on each showcase day. Plus, we ran a social media competition, developed a pack of mental health resources for the website and established key media partnerships to promote the campaign.


The results were phenomenal..

Website – 536 views of campaign web page (vs target of 450), plus 3mins 31secs dwell time on Retailer Records Spotify playlist page on website (versus av. 27 seconds dwell over past year)

Socials – +221 new followers (vs target of +100), 62,511 reach, 11,576 engagements, 5.4% engagement rate (vs 2-3% industry standard)

Workshops – 202 participants

PR – 8 pieces achieved

Media – 50K views on Reading Today, 46K impressions on Reading Chronicle socials

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