A multi-million pound events programme


Events & Experiences


To launch the vast Esplanade space at Hammerson’s WestQuay, Southampton and to put in place a programme of activities to ensure that it is constantly enlivened, attracting shoppers from outside the centre’s core catchment.


The experiential team took inspiration from experiential destinations around the world. This led to the creation of a multi-million pound events programme with complete P&Ls and covering a 3 year period. Activities ranged from low-level events through to high-profile landmark arts installations and experiences including The Festival of Light.


The success of the Esplanade events programme helped reinforce the commercial success of the adjoining F&B extension of WestQuay. So positive have been the initial activities that we instigated that Hammerson has continued to run the Festival of Light annually while other seasonal activities have become an essential part of the Southampton diary.

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